The Amazing Race 37x2

15 hours ago 1

meet the racers

Alyssa Borden and Josiah Borden
relationship: married
age: 31 / 32
occupation: nurse anesthetists
current town: Philadelphia, PA
Instagram: lysskirkborden

Bernie Gutierrez and Carrigain Scadden
relationship: friends
age: 31 / 33
occupation: personal trainer / spa educator
current town: Dallas, TX / Denver, CO
Instagram: burniefit / dragonboatbae

Brett Hamby and Mark Romain
relationship: married
age: 36 / 37
occupation: acrobat / dancer & model
current town: Las Vegas, NV
Instagram: poquitoshwol / markromain

Carson McCalley and Jack Dodge
relationship: best friends
age: 28 / 27
occupation: game streamers
current town: Brooklyn, NY
Instagram: carsonmcalley / jackdodge / dweebwars

Courtney Ramsey and Jasmin Carey
relationship: dating
age: 33 / 34
occupation: registered nurse / nurse practitioner
current town: Leland, NC
Ernest Cato and Bridget Cato
relationship: father and daughter
age: 59 / 28
occupation: retired Chicago police chief / account supervisor
current town: Chicago, IL / Somerville, MA
Instagram: bridget.s.cato
Han Nguyen and Holden Nguyen
relationship: siblings
age: 26 / 22
occupation: former energy consultant / Stanford student
current town: Los Gatos, CA
Instagram: hanbnguyen / hole.den / hanandholden

Jackye Clayton and Lauren McKinney
relationship: sisters
age: 51 / 61
occupation: talent acquisition architect / corporate event strategist
current town: Waco, TX
Instagram: jackyeclayton / veganradiance / theamazingsistahs

Jonathan Towns and Ana Towns
relationship: married parents
Age: 42 & 35
occupation: software developer / stay at home mom
current town: Pomona, CA
Instagram: ana_towns
Mark Crawford and Larry Graham
relationship: best friends
age: 63 / 59
occupation: retired firefighters
current town: Watertown, TN / Bartlett, TN
Melinda Papadeas and Erika Papadeas
relationship: mother and daughter
age: 66 / 32
occupation: administration / client engagement specialist
current town: Chandler, AZ / Englewood, CO
Instagram: az_melindasue / papadeas12
Nick Fiorito and Mike Fiorito
relationship: brothers
age: 32 / 28
occupation: entrepreneurs and podcasters
current town: Brooklyn, NY
Instagram: nickfio / themikefio / fiobros
Jeff “Pops” Bailey and Jeff Bailey
relationship: father & son
age: 65 / 36
occupation: lumberjacks
current town: St. Louis, MO
Instagram: popsandjeff /

Scott Thompson and Lori Thompson
relationship: married parents of eight sons
age: 47 / 49
occupation: physician assistant / stay at home mom
current town: Salt Lake City, UT
Instagram: sigmanuelder / lorisfablife

37x2: Very Strong Warrior Energy
Teams depart for Osaka, Japan, where they encounter an Intersection at the Roadblock, forcing one partner to team up with a member of another team and complete a challenge performing the taiko drums.

finish order:

1 - Jonathan & Ana
2 - Scott & Lori
3 - Alyssa & Josiah
4 - Carson & Jack
5 - Melinda & Erika
6 - Bernie & Carrigain
7 - Pops & Jeff
8 - Courtney & Jasmin
9 - Brett & Mark
10 - Nick & Mike
11 - Han & Holden
12 - Ernest & Bridget (eliminated)

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