The phenomenon of twin films—where two movies of similar premises both release in a short timeframe—is one of Hollywood's most interesting coincidences. Whether it be through serendipity or competition, the sheer improbability of two major productions executing on similar ideas is always a novelty worth noting. But if the sheer unlikeliness of two films weren't curious enough, then five feels nigh improbable. However, that exact feat was accomplished in a two-year span at the turn of the 1990s, when a shocking five feature films all explored the same thrilling depths, as five sci-fi thrillers with similar premises about aquatic monsters and deep-sea terror were released in quick succession from 1989 to 1990. Though each of these creature features had distinct storylines and varying critical reception, the sheer serendipity of their shared settings, similar visual design, and coinciding timelines made this one of the more curious mini-trends in cinema history.