Bigg Boss 18 winner Karan Veer Mehra made some good friends in Salman Khan's show. The actor shared a close bond with Chum Darang, Shilpa Shirodkar and Digvijay Rathee. Days after the show came, all four had a reunion. Ever since Bigg Boss 18 came to an end, fans had been demanding a reunion of Karan Veer Mehra's gang and finally, they took some time out from their busy schedule, to have a catch-up session at Shilpa Shirodkar's home in Mumbai.
A lot of pictures and videos of Karan Veer Mehra, Chum Darang, Shilpa Shirodkar and Digvijay Rathee have gone viral on social media. All the four could be seen happily posing for the paparazzi. Karan Veer Mehra also shared a picture on his social media account with his signature 'shayari-styled' caption. He wrote, "Kisi k haat ki taqdeer hai dost, Humre pass jo tasveer hai dost, Nazar aaye toh ussay dur rehna,
Mohobat ek udta teer hai dost." There are many inside videos that show all four of them having a great time. Chum and Karan's moments, of course, have drawn attention.
All the ChumVeer fans are happy to see them bonding so well. Many want them to make it all official already! Fans are calling their pairing as 'Rab ne bana di jodi'. One of the other comments on the video read, "Karan with his bb friends, this guy is a keeper, always keeps in touch with all his friends." In one of the videos, we can see Shilpa Shirodkar turning into paparazzi and capturing ChumVeer moments.
Watch Karan Veer Mehra, Chum Darang, Shilpa Shirodkar and Digvijay Rathee's video below:
When in Bigg Boss 18, Chum Darang, Karan Veer Mehra and Shilpa Shirodkar always stood together. Digvijay Rathee entered the show as a wildcard contestant. His stay in Bigg Boss 18 house was short-lived, however, he struck a very close bond with these three. His elimination left everyone crying including Karan Veer Mehra. Shilpa and Karan's friendship saw a rough patch when she nominated him. However, they managed to get back to being friends again!