TNC 2024 Exploration Program: Targeting Transformative Discoveries

8 months ago 19

True North Copper Limited (ASX:TNC) (True North, TNC or the Company) is pleased to announce its 2024 Exploration Program across TNC’s Mt Oxide and Cloncurry Copper Projects (TNC 2024 Exploration Program presentation attached below).


TNC holds more than 850 square kilometres of tenure package within the word class Mt Isa Inlier.TNC’s 2024 Exploration Program leverages on the knowledge and understanding developed across its successful 2023 Exploration Program including:Eight drill ready targets identified from TNC’s 2023 Induced Polarisation Program (IP) and structural analysis of the Great Australia Mine Project (four within the Greater Australian Target)1. Drilling to commence Q2-Q3 CY24.TNC’s maiden diamond drilling program across Mt Oxide’s Vero Resource which delivered exceptional mineralised results including 66.50m (48.00m*) @ 4.95% Cu from MOXD2172 (*=estimated true width).Mt Oxide Exploration 2024 –TNC aims to further unlock Mt Oxide’s underexplored, high-quality targets and potential beyond Vero, including the more than 10km trend along the Dorman fault zone with intermittently outcropping gossanous/silica breccias. To-date, there has been no previous systematic drilling, surface sampling or effective geophysics undertaken.TNC has identified multiple high priority Mt Oxide exploration targets including:Aquila & Mt Gordon - A 1.5 km long and 250 m wide zone adjacent to the Mt Gordon Fault Zone with similar structural setting to Capricorn Copper Ore Bodies.Ivena North - An undrilled and under explored, +900m long and up to 150m wide zone of steeply dipping, gossanous quartz-hematite breccias.Camp Gossans - A 1.8 km long trend of intermittently outcropping fault breccias with numerous prospective gossanous outcrops up to 80 m long and 10 m wide.Cave Creek – A 2.3 km long EW striking concealed EM conductor with prospective cross cutting structures and Cu-Co-As soil anomalism.Big Oxide District – An underexplored district located 16 km north of the Vero Resource prospective for sediment and shear hosted Cu-Co-Ag and Cu-Zn-Pb mineralisation.Cloncurry Copper Project (CCP) Exploration 2024 – TNC will prioritise several exploration targets which offer the potential to add significant tonnes to the CCP’s life of mine including:the Greater Australian targets identified in TNC’s 2023 IP surveying1the Wallace North IP/EM targets3multiple advanced exploration targets in a strategic 30km surrounding zone to the CCP including Wynberg, Notlor and Salebury.

True North Copper Managing Director, Marty Costello said:

Our 2024 Exploration Program is focused on transformative discoveries in-and-around large-scale mineral systems within the Mt Isa Inlier.

By the second half of 2024 we will be able to aggressively drill test a series of high-quality, priority exploration targets across the prospective, underexplored and phenomenally mineralised Mt Oxide Project tenements.

We are also actively pursuing exploration and expansion opportunities at the GAM and Wallace North deposits, alongside multiple exploration targets within our strategic tenure package around our Cloncurry Copper Project.

Our 2023 Exploration Program identified significant potential for CCP mine-life expansion beyond our current plans and our 2024 Exploration Program will build even further on developing our promising long-term growth prospects.

We will be updating our resources and reserves throughout 2024, starting with the Vero Resource at Mt Oxide in early 2024, followed by further work underway at our Cloncurry Copper Project.


True North Copper is pleased to invite shareholders and interested parties to a webinar regarding the Company’s 2024 Exploration Program. The attached slides will be presented at the webinar.

TNC Managing Director Marty Costello, TNC Chief Operating Officer Peter Brown and Global Ore Discovery Principal Consultant Daryl Nunn will outline TNC’s 2024 Exploration Program via a webinar on Monday 26th February 2024 at 10:00am AEDT. Register for the webinar via the link below.


Click here for the full ASX Release

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