This article contains spoilers for The Wheel of Time season 3 episodes 1, 2, and 3.
Once again, The Wheel of Time has decided to take a relationship between two women that was exceedingly close but not clearly defined in the books — in this case that of Elayne and Aviendha — and make it much more specific. Robert Jordan, it seems, may have been fond of innuendo, particularly among his women characters, but the series writers are apparently not satisfied with mere hints of sisterly affection.
After all, remember in season 1 when it was revealed that Siuan and Moiraine were quite intimate behind closed doors, even though they butted heads in public? The bond that Jordan referred to as “pillow friends” was common among isolated Aes Sedai Novices, but how do we explain the seemingly out-of-nowhere flirtation between Elayne and Aviendha in the opening episodes of The Wheel of Time season 3?
For actor Ceara Coveney, who plays Elayne, the implied relationship was revealed to her before she read the books. “It’s really weaved into Robert Jordan’s text, and I think the relationship is there, although ambiguous,” she admits. “When Ayoola was cast, we chemistry read together, so we knew that this relationship was coming. I think that really informed the way in which we read the books and how we saw the relationship.”
Ayoola Smart, who plays Aviendha, agrees that it was all about making a choice and sticking with it. After all, Elayne and Aviendha will be on opposite ends of the world for much of The Wheel of Time season 3 anyway, so their kiss may just be setting the tone for future storylines. “For most of the readers,” Smart says, “people saw it one way or the other, and we’ve just made a direction. And that’s where we’re going!”
Take this passage from The Path of Daggers, Jordan’s eighth novel in The Wheel of Time series, where the expression of becoming “sisters” seems a bit more than familial.
“Elayne stared at her… ‘I don’t need to know any more about you. I want to be your sister.’ Gently, she kissed Aviendha’s blood-stained cheek. She had only thought Aviendha blushed fiercely before. Even Aiel lovers did not kiss where anyone could see. Fiery sunsets paled beside Aviendha’s face. ‘I want you for my sister, too,’ she mumbled.”
But that’s eight books in! In the novels, their sudden closeness may have sprung from a common attachment to the Dragon Reborn, but that hasn’t been the case in The Wheel of Time series… yet. Coveney sees it another way: “I think their closeness and their bond and their similarities and their differences — there’s so much in there that really forms such a strong connection between the two characters.”
Elayne is heir to the Lion Throne of Andor, while Aviendha is a soldier, a Maiden of the Spear, for her people. However, perhaps a rise to power, as readers already know, is in both of their futures, which will create more common ground for the pair. In the meantime, we can only wait for this initial expression of mutual affection to blossom later in The Wheel of Time’s unfolding story.
The first three episodes of The Wheel of Time season 3 are available to stream on Prime Video now. New episodes premiere Thursdays, culminating with the finale on April 17.
The post The Wheel of Time Season 3 Just Made an Implied Book Romance Canon appeared first on Den of Geek.