Psychic Roy Tomko Reads Salina EsTitties and Answers the Socialite Seven

8 months ago 20

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The world first got to know psychic medium Roy Tomko from his popular YouTube series, Reading the Queen and Reading the King. Roy has read some of the world’s leading drag queens, including Sasha Colby and Detox.  On Monday, February 19 @ 6pm PT/9pm EST, he will be showcasing his many talents and reading a season 15 favorite on Instagram Live.

To announce, his new user-friendly website that allows fans to engage with him and follow his latest writings and in-person events, he is premiering a new live reading with Salina EsTitties.  He first read the drag star in July 2021 when he predicted that she would compete on RuPaul’s Drag Race – and in 2022, she did.

Since then, the two have become close friends.  “Salina is an amazing soul and has so much more to share with the world,” Roy says.  “I’m excited to work with her again.”

The reading will be another opportunity for Roy to demonstrate his gift to the masses, which is important, as his goal this year is to expand his reach to wider audiences.  “I want to dive into new populations that need healing.”  That includes heterosexual men, who Roy admits, can be challenging to read, as they are sometimes closed to the process.  “People don’t always view readings as a welcoming experience. They may fear the unknown, or they may be afraid to heal from moments that they would rather leave hidden.”

“I respect an individual’s boundaries,” he clarifies.  “Before every reading, I always ask for permission to connect with a person.  Only when I get someone’s permission will I open myself up to receiving messages from spirit.”  

Roy TomkoPhoto via Shaun Vadella

Roy grew up in New Jersey and has sensed the spirit world for as long as he can remember.  “My earliest memory of seeing spirit was around three or four years old,” he explains. “I started to see a spirit of a man lingering around my parent’s house.  I would tell my parents, and at first, they assumed it was an imaginary friend, but with time they grew to understand that it was something more.”

Spirit continued to make itself known throughout his adolescent life, stepping in and out as Roy grew.  “My friends would ask me for my opinion or advice and early on, I wasn’t aware that what I was doing was giving psychic predictions.   It only became evident as my intuitive advice would come to happen.”

Today, Roy connects with spirit in-person and through Zoom and other video call methods.  He enjoys being able to validate a loved one’s existence.  “There is nothing more powerful than helping people find peace, closure and happiness,” he reflects. “Hope and positivity, and the assurance that our loved ones are around us, is what helps us to move forward.”

He also enjoys providing insight on love and major shifts in life like buying a new home or considering a career change.   “The readings I provide are for guidance only,” he cautions.   “All readings are subject to a person’s own interpretation and judgment and what a person decides to do with the information that I provide is up to them.” 

Roy’s main objective is that every reading help to rejuvenate an individual and maybe even reawaken them.  “The goal is spiritual healing,” he confirms.   “We are all here on a soul path journey and we must continue to learn and grow in order to reach our full spiritual potential.”

Roy TomkoPhoto via Shaun Vadella

We had the chance to learn more about this captivating medium as we put Roy in the hot seat for the Socialite Seven.

Who has had the biggest influence on you and why?

The biggest influence in my life has been my mom.  She has unbelievable strength and has overcome so many obstacles. She is hard working and so dedicated to her family and friends. She has taught me how to be the best version of myself.  I can only continue to strive to be like her as I continue to grow through this beautiful journey of life.

What is your biggest pet peeve? 

My biggest pet peeve would have to be tardiness. I get upset when people are late for an appointment! My mother raised me to be on time and to never make others wait. She always instead that it was better to arrive early than to be late.  As someone who speaks everyday with the dearly departed, I’ve learned that she is right.  Time is precious.

Which celebrity would you most like to do a reading with?

I would enjoy reading Kelly Clarkson! Her energy is outstanding.  She has such an amazing high vibration. I would love the chance to connect with her, and to offer her beautiful messages and insight from the other side. I know how much she enjoys psychic mediums.

Roy TomkoPhoto via Shaun Vadella

Who would you want to play you in the movie of your life? 

I would love for Dan Levy to play me!  Many people have told me that we have a lot in common. I relate to his personality and energy in so many ways. 

What superpower or talent would you like to wake up with tomorrow? 

A superpower I have always found to be intriguing was teleporting. I enjoy travel so much; to be able to teleport to locations all over the universe would be super fun!

What are three things you can’t live without?

My family, first and foremost. They have been an amazing support system through my evolution as a psychic medium. Secondly, my phone!  I don’t think I’m alone in this.  We are all so accustomed to having our phones attached to us at all times. It has become our connection to everything: work, family, friends, news…  I can’t be without it!  Third would be food. I love good food. I enjoy experiencing all kinds of restaurants and soaking in the atmosphere and energy and, most of all, the food!  Flavors have the power to create emotions and make memories.  I find it is similar with music and smells.  Capturing memories in something delicious is a double win in my book!

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

Stay humble. Always treat others the way you would expect to be treated in return. And heed the messages of your angels and dearly departed.  They truly want what is best for you.

Roy TomkoPhoto via Shaun Vadella

Roy’s reading with Salina Estitties will be this Monday, February 19 @ 6pm PT/9pm EST on IG Live. Keep up with Roy on Instagram and his website,  


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