Karan Johar and Sidharth Malhotra brought style to the runway at the Ajio Luxe Weekend in Mumbai. Sidharth, who garnered immense popularity for his role in Shershaah, looked sharp in a blue satin blazer paired with matching formal pants. He went shirtless to show off his fit body. But it was Karan Johar who stole the spotlight.
Karan Johar made heads turn in an all-white outfit, which included a white satin shirt, white pants, and a long coat. Both stars walked the runway together. During the show's finale, Sidharth Malhotra got Karan to remove his big overcoat, which revealed his drastic weight loss. Fans were quick to notice his transformation, with some commenting on how much thinner he looked.
One comment on Karan Johar's video read, "What happened to karan??? Y he is so weak?" Another user commented, "Oh what happened to Karan he looks so stricken."
Watch Karan Johar and Sidharth Malhotra's video below:
In the past, Karan Johar has spoken his struggles with body image. He shared that he has body dysmorphia and that he is very awkward when he has to get into a pool. "I don't know how to do it without feeling pathetic. I've tried very hard to overcome it. No matter what the success you achieve, no matter who you think you are in your own head, I'm always in oversized clothes. Even if I lose the weight, and I try very hard, I'm always battling with it, but I'm always feeling I'm fat. So I don't want you to see any part of my body," he was quoted saying. The filmmaker now looks a lot more comfortable and confident which is a good change!