High-Grade Rock Chip Results from West Bryah Project Validate Historical Gold Exploration

8 months ago 22

Star Minerals Limited (ASX: SMS, “the Company” or “Star Minerals”) is pleased to advise results are now available for a rock chip campaign completed in late 2023 at the West Bryah Project. Samples were collected during a reconnaissance trip by experienced SMS geologists. The aim was to evaluate the Project for prospectivity for gold deposits similar to that defined by Metal Bank (ASX:MBK) at the Livingstone Project, 30km west of the Dimble and Mount Padbury Prospects. Potential for pegmatite hosted lithium mineralisation within the Yarlarweelor Gneiss was reviewed as part of the trip, with evaluation of geology exposure.


Results for 19 Rock Chips at West Bryah Project support Historical Exploration Results at Mount Padbury Prospect and potential of Dimble Prospects.Best Rock Chip results include:30.2 g/t Au and 2.1% Cu in sample SMRK055 from Dimble East.12.7 g/t Au in sample SMRK062 from Mount Padbury.11.1 g/t Au in sample SMRK061 and 6.83 g/t Au in sample SMRK059 from West Dimble 4.7.97 g/t Au in sample SMRK070 from Dimble West.Mount Padbury reconnaissance checks historical drilling by Lachlan Resources in 19971 that returned multiple significant gold intercepts in RAB and RC drilling, including down hole intercepts of:12m at 5.66 g/t Au from 0m in RAB hole MPRB015, including 1m at 59.1 g/t Au from 7m;19m at 2.68 g/t Au from 0m in RAB hole MPRB001, including 1m at 6.14 g/t Au from 4m and including 2m at 17.0 g/t Au from 8m;9m at 1.35 g/t Au from 22m in RAB hole MPRB014;4m at 2.69 g/t Au from 35m in RC hole MPRC0002, including 1m at 7.43 g/t Au from 35m;2m at 2.42 g/t Au from 11m and 1m at 1.16 g/t Au from 20m in RC hole MPRC0004;3m at 1.66 g/t Au from 5m in RC hole MPRC0007; and1m at 8.04 g/t Au from 27m in hole MPRC0008Historical drilling and sampling and recent surface sampling highlight potential for West Bryah Project to host gold deposits similar to the Livingstone Project deposits 30km to the west owned by Metal Bank Limited.
Star Minerals’ Chair, Ian Stuart commented:

“Reconnaissance work at the West Bryah continues to deliver significant high-grade gold in surface samples, validating the historical dataset compiled by the Company.

Star Minerals are focussed on building understanding of the controls on gold mineralisation at the Project to get ready for drill testing of the multiple targets at the Dimble and Mount Padbury areas.

We are confident that well designed programs of modern exploration will unveil further targets at the Project, with all commodities under consideration for targeting to compliment the numerous gold Prospects already present”.

The location of the West Bryah Project is shown in the geology plan for the Bryah Basin region, Figure 1 below. The plan shows the extent of Narracoota Formation and Wilthorpe Formation present in the West Bryah Project, both geology units that host significant gold and/or VMS deposits further north and east in the Bryah Basin.

Figure 1: Location Plan for the West Bryah Project with Regional Mines and Prospects

West Bryah Gold Prospects Overview

The Dimble Prospects and Mount Padbury Prospect were the main areas of interest during the field trip. Figure 2 below shows the location of the gold prospects at the Project, plus the Yarlarweelor Gneiss complex, considered prospective for lithium mineralisation. The Dimble Prospects have historical drilling from the 1970s – 1980s, in addition to multiple generations of soil and surface sampling with digital compilation in progress for all historical data. Rock chip results and a high density of early 1900s workings demonstrate the high grade nature of the gold mineralisation at Dimble. There is good exposure of geology throughout the Dimble Area which extends for 9km strike in the east to west direction, and 2.5km in the north – south direction.

Click here for the full ASX Release

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